MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) Rider's Course Practice Test 2024 - Free Motorcycle Safety Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What is the recommended body position when crossing an obstacle?

Hugging the tank tightly

Kicking out your leg

Keeping low on the seat

Rising off the seat

Crossing over an obstacle requires a rider to shift their weight to maintain balance and control of the motorcycle. Rising off the seat, or "standing up" on the footpegs, allows the rider to absorb the impact of the obstacle using their legs and knees as shock absorbers. This provides better control and also prevents the motorcycle from bottoming out. Hugging the tank tightly (option A) limits movement and can cause the rider to be thrown off balance. Kicking out your leg (option B) can also result in loss of balance and control, and is not considered a safe practice. Keeping low on the seat (option C) can also interfere with the rider's ability to shift their weight and can be uncomfortable. Therefore, rising off the seat is the recommended body position when crossing an obstacle.


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